GloboLakes LSWT Data Access
The GloboLakes data product v4.0 provides daily observations of LSWT, its uncertainty and quality levels from June 1995 to December 2016. The data files can be accessed from the: CEDA Archive
The dataset consists of two sets of files:
Daily files: A single file per day on a 0.05° regular latitude- longitude grid covering the period from June 1995 to December 2016. Each daily file has the following properties:
- Format: netCDF
- Naming convention: (where YYYY = year, MM = month and DD = day)
- File variables:
- lake_surface_water_temperature
- lswt_uncertainty
- quality_level
- File size: 16.6 Mb per daily file
- Spacial resolution: 0.05 (degrees)
Per lake files: A file per lake which contains the time series (daily) of the lake on a 0.05° regular grid. Each per-lake file has the following properties:
- Format: netCDF
- Naming convention: (where xxxxxxxx = Lake ID)
- File variables:
- lake_surface_water_temperature
- lswt_uncertainty
- quality_level
- File size: variable depending on lake size (typically 5-20 Mb)
- Spacial resolution: 0.05 (degrees)
The dataset is citable as: Carrea, L.; Merchant, C.J. (2019): GloboLakes: Lake Surface Water Temperature (LSWT) v4.0 (1995-2016). Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 29 March 2019. doi:10.5285/76a29c5b55204b66a40308fc2ba9cdb3.