We have created a matchup dataset that can be used for case studies to investigate the relation between different temperature datasets in an Arctic setting. The datasets contains in-situ as well as satellite-based observations for the ARM site at Barrows, Alaska, for January to March 2012.
Matchup database - Version 1
Version 1 includes five datasets for the Barrow site for January to March 2012
- AATSR operational
- University of Leicester offline AATSR
- Terra-MODIS (MOD11_L2)
- Aqua-MODIS (MYD11_L2)
- Metop AVHRR
- Matchup Database Version 1 (netCDF, 175kb)
- Data details (PDF, 105kb), with a list of all variables contained in the database.
- Details
- Written by Stephan Matthiesen
- Hits: 4240
Report on the Second Annual EarthTemp Network Meeting, 12-14 June 2013, Copenhagen
by Colin Morice, Met Office, Exeter
This report documents the Second Annual EarthTemp meeting, held at the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) in Copenhagen on 12-14 June 2013. The 2013 meeting focused on observing surface temperatures in data-sparse and extreme regions with an emphasis on monitoring surface temperature at high latitudes and at high altitudes, bringing together experts in both in situ and remote Earth observation. The scope of the meeting encompassed temperature observation over the broad range of surfaces present in these remote regions, aiming to build up communication, understanding and collaboration between the various fields of surface temperature observation. This report reviews progress on activities supported by the EarthTemp Network in the year following the First Annual EarthTemp meeting in Edinburgh, UK, reports on the outcomes of the Second Annual EarthTemp meeting and outlines upcoming EarthTemp activities.
Download the full report (PDF, 397kb)
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- Written by Stephan Matthiesen
- Hits: 4306
See also the full workshop programme
Participants and posters
Name | Surname | Organisation | Poster title |
Kevin | Cowtan | University of York, York, UK | Coverage bias in the HadCRUT4 temperature series and its impact on recent temperature trends |
Emma | Dodd | University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK | Emma May Ann Dodd, Chris Merchant, Simon Tett, Nick Rayner: Interpolating and Extrapolating Temperature Anomalies Across the Arctic: An Investigation using ERA-Interim and Meteorological Station Coverage between 1850 and 2011 (PDF, 1.8MB) |
Claude | Duguay | Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada | Keynote: Arctic land surface temperature: variability and change (PDF, 7.6 MB) |
Gorm | Dybkjær | Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Copenhagen, Denmark | |
Ulrike | Falk | Center for Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces, University Bonn, Bonn, Germany | Ulrike Falk, Hernán Sala, Damián López, Claudio Matko, Matthias Braun, Gunter Menz Land surface temperature and land surface air temperature measurements on the ice cap of King George Island, West Antarctica |
Monica | Garcia | University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark | |
Darren | Ghent | University of Leicester, Leicester, UK | Darren Ghent, Stephan Matthiesen, Jacob Høyer, Gorm Dybkjær, Karen Veal, Christopher Whyte, and John Remedios: An EarthTemp Matchup Database for the Arctic Region (PDF, 626kB) |
Jacob | Høyer | Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Copenhagen, Denmark | Keynote: Sea-ice surface temperature measurement: status and utility (PDF, 1.8 MB) |
Elena | Istomina | V.B.Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Irkutsk, Russian Federation | Elena Istomina, O. V. Vasilenko: Interrelation Between In-situ Measured LST and LAT and Landsat Thermal data in the Tunkinskaya Valley (PDF, 900kB) |
Phil | Jones | University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK | Antarctic Temperature Change |
Ioanna | Karagali | Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Copenhagen, Denmark | |
Elizabeth (Liz) | Kent | National Oceanography Centre (NOC), Southampton, UK | |
Pierre | Le Borgne | Météo-France/CMS, Lannion, France | Keynote: Sea surface temperature changes in the Arctic (PDF, 2.0 MB) |
Stephan | Matthiesen | University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK | |
Chris | Merchant | University of Reading, Reading, UK | |
Colin | Morice | MetOffice Hadley Centre, Exeter, UK | |
Ruth | Mottram | Danish Climate Centre (DKC), Copenhagen, Denmark | Validation of Greenland Model Simulations with Observations: An approach using EC-Earth and HIRHAM5 |
Folke | Olesen | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany | Folke Olesen, Frank Göttsche: Land Surface Temperature: Comparison methods and regional validation initiative |
Gary | Pike | University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK | The influence of surface characterisitcs on lapse rates and temperature profiles in areas of complex terrain |
Simon | Pinnock | European Space Agency, Frascati, Italy | GlobTemperature |
Nick | Rayner | Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, UK | A stable, low bias, long-term, satellite based data record of sea surface temperature from ESA's Climate Change Initiative |
John | Remedios | University of Leicester, Leicester, UK | |
Hervé | Roquet | Météo-France, Lannion, France | |
José A. | Sobrino | University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain | |
Jean-Claude | Thelen | Met-Office, Exeter, UK | Jean-Claude Thelen, Chawn Harlow: Retrievals of land and ice surface properties at the Met Office |
Marcel | Urban | Department for Earth Observation, Institute of Geography, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Jena, Germany | Marcel Urban, Jonas Eberle, Christian Hüttich, Christiane Schmullius, Martin Herold: Comparison of Satellite-Derived Land Surface Temperature and Air Temperature from Meteorological Stations on the Pan-Arctic Scale (PDF, 4.1 MB) |
Karen | Veal | University of Leicester, Leicester, UK | Constructing new satellite-only time series of global mean, sea surface temperature for climate from ATSR data |
Kevin | Wood | NOAA | Keynote: High-latitude surface temperatures: synthesis of datasets and what they tell us (PDF, 3.4 MB) |
- Details
- Written by Stephan Matthiesen
- Hits: 5858
The workshop aims to facilitate collaborations between researchers and will have substantial dialogue and networking activities as well as invited overview presentations, panel discussions and the opportunity to present your work in poster sessions. Sessions planned for the programme are:
- Overview presentations by invited speakers, followed by panel discussions on
- High-latitude surface temperatures: synthesis of datasets and what they tell us (Kevin Wood)
- Arctic Land Surface Temperature: Variability and Change (Claude Duguay)
- Sea Surface Temperature Changes in Polar Regions (Pierre Le Borgne)
- Sea-Ice Surface Temperature Measurements: Status and Utility (Jacob Høyer)
- Plenary discussion: Combined interpretation of Arctic temperatures
- Networking activities
- Breakout discussion groups on
- Techniques for matching measurements and retrievals across different platforms
- Measurement of high-latitude Surface Temperature (SST): Why is it difficult, and how can we do it better?
- Satellite Land Surface Temperatures (LST) in high latitudes and high altitudes: How can we exploit them better?
- The EarthTemp White Paper: Turning recommendations into actions
- Poster sessions & Poster discussions
Note that details of topics and presentations may change as planning progresses.
There is no attendance fee, and lunches during the meeting are provided free of charge. The workshop is limited to 50 participants. Registration is now open, please use the Registration Form.
Download the PDF version (ca 130kb) of the programme
- Details
- Written by Stephan Matthiesen
- Hits: 5189
The EarthTemp Network held its second annual meeting in Copenhagen in June 2013, discussing the theme "Characterising surface temperatures in datra-sparse and extreme regions" with a focus on high-latitude domains. 27 high-latitude researchers came from longitudes all around the globe to gather at the Danish Meteorological Institute in Copenhagen.
- Details
- Written by Stephan Matthiesen
- Hits: 5681