Making connexions - a knowledge-pooling activity
This document contains transcripts of the handwritten report sheets from the "Making Connexions" exercise that kicked off the workshop. Small groups discussed the different topics in succession. All participants had an opportunity to comment on each of six topics. Participants were asked to comment on knowledge gaps and suggest future research opportunities.
- Which general challenges make it difficult to collect data in Africa?
- Knowledge gaps: which geographical areas of climate zones in Africa do we have to understand better? Why (relevance)?
- Which user communities in Africa benefit from better surface temperature data? How?
- Existing or potential opportunities: Which developments, techniques or initiatives can improve understanding of STs in Africa?
- Temperatures in coastal areas. Specific challenges? Knowledge gaps?
- Temperatures in lake areas in Africa: Specific challenges? Knowledge gaps?
Download the transcript (PDF, 182kB)
Breakout discussions
This document contains transcriptions of the handwritten reporting sheets from each breakout session. The following topics were discussed (some topics were discussed by two groups).
- Lake water ST and applications/ST challenges in coastal areas
- Spatially complete ST for Africa
- Relating LSAT to LST and reanalyses for Africa (two groups)
- Reference sites for ST (two groups)
- Meeting user ST needs for Africa (two groups)
Download the transcript (PDF, 242kB)
- Details
- Written by Stephan Matthiesen
- Hits: 6297
See also the full workshop programme.
Participants and posters
Name | Surname | Organisation | Poster title |
Hella Ellen | Ahrends | University of Cologne | |
Mudau | Azwitamisi Eric | Council for Scientific and Industrial Research | |
Annika | Bork-Unkelbach | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | |
Manola | Brunet | University Rovira i Virgili | Manola Brunet, Phil Jones and Alba Gilabert: Enhancing high-quality climate data availability and accessibility for North African locations: the EURO4M and MEDARE joint approach (PDF 1.1 Mb) |
Claire | Bulgin | University of Reading | Claire Bulgin, Chris Merchant: Uncertainty Estimates in Remotely Sensed Surface Temperature Data (PDF 1.9 Mb) |
Brett | Candy | Met Office | |
Charity | Changoroma | Ministry of Agriculture | |
Graziano | Coppa | INRiM | JRPv03 Metrology for Essential Climate Variables (PDF 2.3 Mb) |
Emma | Dodd | University of Reading | Emma Dodd, Chris Merchant, Nick Rayner, Colin Morice: Can we Assess the Impact of Estimating Arctic Surface Air Temperature Anomalies with Global Simple Kriging using In Situ Data? (PDF 0.9 Mb) |
Junping | Du | University of Twente | |
Nathan | Forsythe | Newcastle University | |
Corinne | Frey | DLR | C.M. Frey, A.J. Dietz, M. Bachmann, E.-M. Bernhard, T. Ruppert, K. Molch, M. Wolfmüller, C. Kuenzer, A. Mueller, S. Dech: TIMELINE – Processing of AVHRR time series over Europe and North Africa (PDF 0.7 Mb) C.M. Frey & C. Kuenzer: Spatial and temporal patterns of land surface temperature in the Mekong Basin (PDF 3.3 Mb) |
Katharina | Fricke | Federal Institute of Hydrology | |
Ursula | Geßner | DLR - German Aerospace Center | |
Darren | Ghent | University of Leicester | |
Elizabeth | Good | Met Office | Estimating Daily Maximum and Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperatures from Satellite Data (PDF 1.3 Mb) |
Frank-Michael | Göttsche | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Frank Göttsche, Folke Olesen and Glynn Hulley: Improved in-situ methods for determining land surface emissivity (PDF 0.8 Mb) |
Jacob | Hoeyer | DMI | |
Glynn | Hulley | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | Glynn Hulley, Simon Hook, Pierre Guillevic: Keynote: Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Projects at NASA JPL (PDF 3.7 Mb) |
Elena | Istomina | V.B.Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS | |
Frank | Kaspar | Deutscher Wetterdienst | |
Marjolaine | Krug | Council for Scientific and Industrial Research | Marjolaine Krug, Mathieu Rouault, Christo Whittle: Keynote: Understanding Surface Temperatures in Southern Africa's coastal and shelf waters (PDF 6.6 Mb) |
Qingxiang | Li | National Meteorological Information Center | Li QingXiang, Xu Wenhui, Yang suo, Xu Yan, Yu Jingjing: Use of global temperature and precipitation data at CMA (PDF 2.9Mb) |
Alexander | Loew | Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology | |
Desmond | Manatsa | Bindura University Of Science | D. Manatsa and R. Mugandani: Keynote: Linking DiurnalTemperature Range Shifts over Southern Africa to the Southern Annular Mode (PDF 2.2 Mb) |
Maria | Martin | KIT | |
Stephan | Matthiesen | University of Edinburgh | |
Christopher | Merchant | University of Reading | |
Albert | Mhanda | Zimbabwe Meteorological Services | Keynote: Measuring Land Surface Air Temperature in Africa (PDF 2.5 Mb) |
Colin | Morice | Met Office | |
Raymond | Mugandani | Midlands State University | R Mugandani., C Changoroma., E.T Mupfiga., T Ben: Keynote: Surface temperature extremes over Zimbabwe (PDF 0.7 Mb) |
Hector | Nieto | University of Copenhagen | |
Folke-Sören | Olesen | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Keynote: Progress and Challenges in African Surface Temperature Science (PDF 4.2Mb) |
Michael | Perry | University of Leicester / Physics and Astronomy | |
Simon | Pinnock | European Space Agency | |
Nick | Rayner | Met Office Hadley Centre | |
John | Remedios | University of Leicester | |
Jared | Rennie | CICS-NC | Jared Rennie, Peter Thorne, Jay Lawrimore, Byron Gleason, Matt Menne, Claude Williams: An Open and Transparent Databank of Global Land Surface Temperature (PDF 2.7 Mb) |
Benjamin | Scarino | Science Systems and Applications, Inc. | Benjamin Scarino, Patrick Minnis, and Thad Chee: Correcting the View Angle Dependency of Geostationary Satellite Skin Temperature Measurements over Africa (PDF 3.3 Mb) |
Fredrick | Semazzi | North Carolina State University (NCSU) | Keynote: Observations of Lake Victoria Water Surface Temperatures and Use with Models (PDF 4.3 Mb) |
José A. | Sobrino | University of Valencia | J. A. Sobrino, J. C. Jiménez-Muñoz, A. Ruescas, O. Danne, C. Brockmann, C. Mattar, G. Hulley, F. M. Göttsche: Validation of Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity derived from SEVIRI and AATSR over African sites (PDF 1.6 Mb) |
Daithi | Stone | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Keynote: Surface temperature and African climate (PDF 1.2 Mb) |
Arame | Tall | CCAFS Climate Services | Keynote: It's Important To Focus On Africa (MP4 14.8 Mb) |
Anke | Tetzlaff | MeteoSchweiz | |
Peter | Thorne | NERSC | Keynote: Measuring and interpreting Land Surface Air Temperatures over Africa (PDF 9.1 Mb) |
Isabel | Trigo | IPMA | Keynote: Satellite Land Surface Temperatures (PDF 10.7 Mb) |
Karen | Veal | University of Leicester | |
Yunyue | Yu | NOAA/NESDIS | Yunyue Yu, Yuling Liu, Zhuo Wang, Peng Yu, Ivan Csiszar: S-NPP/VIIRS Land Surface Temperature EDR – Provisional release (PDF 0.7 Mb) Yunyue Yu, Yuling Liu, Zhuo Wang, Peng Yu, Jaime Daniels: Issues in LST Cross-satellite Comparison (PDF 1.2 Mb) |
- Details
- Written by Stephan Matthiesen
- Hits: 6920
Surface temperatures in key land regions is the topic of the third EarthTemp Network workshop. One focus region is Africa, which is particularly sparsely observed in situ, but the network remains inclusive and open to surface temperature researchers of all backgrounds who are interested in sharing knowledge and making connections across sub-discipline boundaries.
The workshop aims to facilitate collaborations between researchers and will have substantial dialogue and networking activities as well as invited overview presentations, panel discussions and the opportunity to present your work in poster sessions. Sessions planned for the programme are:
- Overview presentations by invited speakers
- Plenary discussions
- Networking activities
- Breakout discussion groups
- Poster sessions & Poster discussions
The programme is available for download (PDF, 115kb).
This workshop was followed by a separate GlobTemperature user consultation meeting (run by the European Space Agency, ESA) in the same venue on 25-26 June 2014.
- Details
- Written by Stephan Matthiesen
- Hits: 4963
Surface temperatures in key under-observed land regions is the principal scientific topic of the third year of the EarthTemp research network. The third workshop (23-25 June 2014 in Karlsruhe) focussed on Africa, a region which has strong environmental interest in surface temperature across its varied landscapes, with increasingly useful but challenging satellite observations and with particularly sparsely observed and available digital in-situ datasets. The aim of the workshop was to share new techniques for relating surface temperature observations in sparsely observed and interface regions, to understand the use of these temperatures, to develop new collaborative projects for Africa, and to support the surface temperature community in articulating key steps forward for the future.
- Details
- Written by Stephan Matthiesen
- Hits: 8293